2015年10月28日 星期三



達人回答:“現在秋冬選蒜頭,要壓看看,硬的放得越久,如果壓下去軟軟的,那就表示這個蒜頭已經沒有 ”凍桃” (台語發音)“

所以通常我們買一袋回來,每次用蒜頭之前 ,最好翻看看 ,如果有比較軟的,應該要提早用掉,才不會之後壞掉可惜 

最後來張蒜頭達人認真挑選蒜頭的照片,高達40年的功力,才能眼明手快選出好蒜頭 ,娘惹醬用的蒜頭就是這樣精挑細選

Q: How to pick and select good garlic? Is bigger is better?

A: Pick up the garlic and press on it gently, if it is hard, it can be stored longer, otherwise, it is weak. 

It is not true that larger cloves taste better. The size of the clove makes no different in term of taste. 

Lastly, if you have a sack of garlic. Consume the soft one as soon as possible. 

The picture shown how garlic was handpicked by Master Garlic with more than 40 years of experience in garlic. Nyonya sauce garlic is carefully selected and handpicked. 

⊙ 更多資訊請上 http://mamanyonya.com

